
Crazy Pineapple – A poker game derived from Texas Holdem, often played as a High-Low game.
Crazy Pineapple is a type of Pineapple game, which is a derivation of Texas Holdem. You may encounter several types of
pineapple games including Pineapple, Crazy Pineapple, Lazy Pineapple and Super 3 (also know as Super Holdem, a Holdem-Pineapple
hybrid). All of the games can be played as high only games, but it is more common to see them spread as high-low games
(with the exception of Pineapple which is most commonly spread as a high only game).
Pineapple is a flop games. This means
that it is a community card game which uses blinds and a dealer button. At the start of the hand, each player is dealt three
down cards. These are the hole cards. After this initial deal, there is a round of betting. Before the flop can be delivered
each player must discard one of their three cards. The dealer will remind the players of this by requesting the discards before
dealing the turn, but it is the player’s responsibility to remember to discard. If a player forgets to discard, and the turn
is dealt, their hand will be dead. The remainder of the hand is played exactly like Hold’em. This means that players may play
zero, one or two cards from their hole cards.
Crazy Pineapple is a variant of Pineapple. Like Pineapple, each player is dealt three hole cards at the start of the
hand. The difference is that instead of discarding before the flop, players discard before the turn card is delivered.
The same discard rules apply, if a player forgets to discard, their hand will be declared dead. Another difference is
that Crazy Pineapple is commonly spread as a high-low game, while Pineapple tends to be spread as a High only game. In
Crazy Pineapple, players may play any number of hole cards and may mix and match different combinations for the high
side of the pot and the low side of the pot.
Usage: Crazy Pineapple H/L or High Only
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