
Advertising –
1. To intentionally play loose, to give the impression that you are a loose player.
2. To intentionally use misleading body language, verbal clues, or betting in an attempt to deceive your opponent about the content of
your hand.
3. Announcements made by floor staff or the board regarding open seating in shorthanded games.
Most of your opponents will base their assumptions about how you play on their first experiences with you. If you can give them
misleading information about the way you play, it can benefit you in the long run. If they think that you are a loose player when you
are actually a tight player, they will call you with weak hands and give you too much action. If they think that you are a
tight player when you actually are a
loose player, they will let
you steal too many pots and basically run over the game The goal of advertising, in this context, is to give your opponent the wrong
image of how you play, so that they will play incorrectly against you. A common form of advertising is when a tight, solid player
attempts to run a bluff or semi-bluff when they first sit down in a game. If they are successful, they win the pot. If they are
unsuccessful, their opponents will brand them as a bluffer, and call them down the rest of the night, or longer. Many players even have
an “advertising budget,” money they are willing to risk to establish or change their image.
Another form of advertising is when a player gives intentionally misleading information (body language, verbal clues or misleading
betting patterns) in an attempt to deceive his opponent about the content of his hand. Some common forms of this type of advertising
would be pretending to think when no thought is necessary, or to raise with a weak hand in order to represent a strong one.
When a floorman or board person announces open seating, it
is also called advertising. Simply announcing that there are seats open in a game is an easy way to attract players to a weak game.
Management may do this on their own, to prevent the game from breaking, or they may do it at the request of the players in the game.
Usage: Advertise a Game, Flush as Advertised, Advertising Budget
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